

Here's the hottest and newest method to download paid apps for FREE from the Google play store. Yeah,I know it's kind of cheating the producers,but who'd want to spend money and DATA on a game? Follow my lead jare!
To download paid apps for free,simply download the APPVN application here.
It's only 10MB and won't cost you much. Once that's done,you'll notice a slight problem. And that's that everything is written in Vietnamese. Why? The producers of this useful appp are from Vietnam. But there's a simple fix. Simply click on the side menu, and scroll down. You'll see something like 'cai DAT'. This means settings. Just click on it and scroll down. You'll see something like 'cai dat ngon ngu(language change). Click that and select English and you're good to go(peoples comments will still be written in Vietnamese, but who reads those?)
That's it! Download paid apps free in English!
There's a pic to guide you! Download apps and games free and defy the Google play store policy!


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