

The future is now! This is the tagline of the Infinix mobility company,and frankly,it's very true. And Mercedes wants to show us how. They have created a car,one which the world has never seen:The Mercedes Benz F105. Mercedes has always been for classic people. Their cars are of high quality(my mom drives a GLK 350,so I know this first hand.) and are not really for the common man. But they took a step forward with the advent of this phone and frankly,I'm impressed by what it can do. A driverless car us the pure evolution of tech,and in a bid to show us what the future would look like,Mercedes just unveiled their first autonomous vehicle. However,in order to gain publicity and give some people a first hand view of the car,they invited some bloggers to test it out(they didn't invite yours truly, so don't ask). Reports from their blogs are magnificent.
The Mercedes Benz F 015 is fully Equipped with a LED touchscreens, the doors open to a beautiful interior — hardwood floors and four white leather seats having a touchscreen table between them. The F 015 is fully automated, You can even get it summoned with your Smartphone . It uses an array of ultrasonic sensors and cameras that navigates the freeways while steering clear of other traffic, when a pedestrian suddenly steps in front of it, the car stops, projects a laser walkway and respond with an audio message “Please go ahead”.
Almighty Mercedes sign.
The interior of the car is starkly different from its exterior. From the outside, with its opaque, metallic window but the cabin is a mixture of wood, leather, polished aluminum, and giant touchscreens basically everywhere they could possibly fit. There’s a big display embedded in each of the four doors, one across the entire dashboard, another behind the rear passengers, and one more on a floor-mounted console that can automatically extend into a table. The décor is still cold, but it’s an inviting kind of cold, not a “metallic zeppelin of unknown provenance” kind of cold. ( Source: The Verge).
I pray that God will bless me to have enough cash to buy it,cause I expect the pricing to be well over $1 million with the specs and pics I've seen. Now over to you. What do you think?


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